Carta Erasmus de Educación Superior

Escuela Agraria Vícar apuesta por la internacionalización de la formación y para ello cuenta con la Carta Erasmus de Educación Superior (European Charter for Higher Education).


Texto en Español

La Comisión Europea ha concedido la “Carta Erasmus para la Educación Superior” (ECHE- Erasmus Charter for High Education) a la Escuela Agraria Vícar en la convocatoria 2017, que será válida durante toda la vigencia del Programa Erasmus+ (2014-2020).

De esta manera, los alumnos de nuestro Centro, tienen la posibilidad de realizar las prácticas en empresas de la Unión Europea, así como realizar un año de estudios en un centro educativo extranjero.

A continuación te mostramos la carta ECHE que nos ha sido otorgada, pulsa sobre la imagen para abrirla.

English Text

Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)
Within our international strategy we aim at carrying out the following main activities:

  • Fostering the participation of our students and staff to the ERASMUS+ programme (especially to mobility projects);
  • Being a host partner for students and staff mobility project;
  • Participating in other ERASMUS+ programme project, especially in the framework of KA2.

EA_Vícar considers ERASMUS+ Programme a valuable opportunity to make a significant progress in its internationalisation process. We aim at participating in cooperation projects which will bring a significant improvement to our institution. The purpose of EA_Vícar strategy for the implementation of international (EU and non-EU) cooperation projects under the ERASMUS+ Programme is to develop long-lasting European partnerships. EA_Vícar participation in European and international programmes will contribute to the reinforcement of the equality of opportunities through the knowledge of other cultures and customs, thus helping to reduce the rate of youth unemployment in our country.

In this sense, EA_Vícar is fully willing to help the youngsters who need and want training so as to be competitive in the European scene. Therefore, we intend to promote international relations between our institution and those companies of the production sector that are related to our course programmes and training activities. Thus, the quality of our educational activity would be significantly improved since those foreign companies tend to work with advanced techniques and equipment.

Currently, the following activities have been designed for the development of an international cooperation strategy under the ERASMUS+ Programme framework:

  • Students from Intermediate Vocational Training Educational Cycles in their second year will carry out the training in the work place in a country member of the UE during a month.
  • Search of international networks, collaborators with our school. Projects to strengthen the links between our school ant the local institutions: city council, enterprises, association, etc.
  • Dissemination of activities for the internationalisation of the EA_Vícar and encouragement to the active involvement in European calls: exposition and informative talk for parents of student, school board and teacher staff.
  • Development of Mobility KA1 projects for VET that cover all our students and teacher staff.

Through EA_Vícar participation in the Erasmus+ Programme we aim at achieving the following impacts on the modernisation of our institution:

  • Completing participants’ training path by providing them practical knowledge coming from a different and state of the art context of the farming and gardening sector.
  • Developing and strengthening basic and transversal competences as intercultural and social competences, language competences and digital competences.
  • Increasing participants’ employability thanks to a training experience carried out in work centres or study experience carried out in a VET centre of another EU countries.
  • Offering to the participants the possibility of living an experience abroad that, given their socio-economic situation, they unlikely would have been able to carry out without the support of the ERASMUS+ programme or of any other grant.
  • Raising awareness about the ERASMUS+ programme and the possibilities it brings to pupils and teachers.
  • Employability increase after a training experience abroad.
  • Development of personal competences and knowledge including tolerance and capacity of facing adverse situations.
  • Training highly qualified, open minded and with international experience professionals.
  • Improvement of the knowledge of the European labour market.
  • Improvement of the educational and training quality: improvement of the skills and competences of the vocational training educational community; with the training and the meetings following the projects, we’ll create a shared base of activities.

Click on the image to enlarge

Carta ECHE en inglés

Programa Erasmus+

Además, Escuela Agraria Vícar participa en el Programa Erasmus+ con una acción KA2 que bajo el título “Haciendo Europa con la Formación Profesional Agraria” y con una duración de dos años envía a la región italiana de Umbría a 28 chicos y chicas de los segundos cursos de los Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio de Producción Agropecuaria y de Jardinería y Floristería.

Cofinanciado Erasmus+

La realización de prácticas en empresas del sector de la Agrojardinería en esta región italiana cuenta con la colaboración del prestigioso Istituto Agrario Ciuffelli de la localidad de Todi (Perugia).